Mai mult decat Web 2.0 buzzwords
Cateodata se intampla ca Web 2.0 sa fie mai mult decat un simplu buzzword. De exemplu, la un search "basescu" pe Yahoo! News am fost placut suprins sa vad si MogNews in boxul din dreapta, cel dedicat blog-urilor.

Partea interesanta e ca facand click pe titlul articolului furnizat de MogNews user-ul ajunge direct pe site-ul ziarului, fara a mai fi "plimbat" pe site-ul MogNews. Ceea ce mi-a adus aminte de cateva principii Web 2.0 exprimate recent de Jeffrey Veen:
- Your web site is a tiny piece of a much larger experience.
- Nobody sees your web site the way you expected. Few use your content the way you intended.
- Everything you create online is being ripped apart and recombined with other stuff by thousands of curious geeks. Or at least, should be.
- The easiest way to fail is by trying to control all this.

Partea interesanta e ca facand click pe titlul articolului furnizat de MogNews user-ul ajunge direct pe site-ul ziarului, fara a mai fi "plimbat" pe site-ul MogNews. Ceea ce mi-a adus aminte de cateva principii Web 2.0 exprimate recent de Jeffrey Veen:
- Your web site is a tiny piece of a much larger experience.
- Nobody sees your web site the way you expected. Few use your content the way you intended.
- Everything you create online is being ripped apart and recombined with other stuff by thousands of curious geeks. Or at least, should be.
- The easiest way to fail is by trying to control all this.
Among these magnificent benefits is the chance to be able to promote your business, any business,
It is true, people have started to learn how to use Web 1.0 ( :P ) , but I think Web 2.0 it is still a buzzword ( on the JoelOnSoftware article refered in a previous comment it is written more about things I would say on this idea )
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