Impotriva profesionalismului, the Paul Graham version
Stiu ca sunt al 1001-lea blogger care comenteaza ultimul eseu al lui Paul Graham, dar sunt in el cateva chestii care chiar merita comentate.
Mie unul chiar mi s-a parut interesanta sub-sectiunea intitulata Workplaces
The average office is a miserable place to get work done. And a lot of what makes offices bad are the very qualities we associate with professionalism. The sterility of offices is supposed to suggest efficiency. But suggesting efficiency is a different thing from actually being efficient.
si mai la vale un pic...
Things are different in a startup. Often as not a startup begins in an apartment. Instead of matching beige cubicles they have an assortment of furniture they bought used. They work odd hours, wearing the most casual of clothing. They look at whatever they want online without worrying whether it's "work safe." The cheery, bland language of the office is replaced by wicked humor. And you know what? The company at this stage is probably the most productive it's ever going to be.
Damn right:) Deocamdata pot spune ca am norocul sa lucrez la o firma care s-a lansat de curand in Romania si inca suntem la stadiul de apartament (unul foarte fain de altfel, lemn and other stuff), sper ca pe masura ce crestem sa nu se ajunga la dorinta de a ne muta intr-un gigant de "otel si sticla".
Aprope de "orele de program":
That may seem utopian, but it's what we told people who came to work for our company. There were no fixed office hours. I never showed up before 11 in the morning. But we weren't saying this to be benevolent. We were saying: if you work here we expect you to get a lot done. Don't try to fool us just by being here a lot.
, sau nu ma "trezi la 6.30 ca sa incep sa scot cod din mine la 8 dimineata, I'll never be able to do something like this". Sa incepi la 10.30-11 dimineata (ziua!?)mai merge, ma confesez ca unul care nu de putine de ori m-am apucat sa "bag cod" la ora 11 seara si sa ma apuce 3-4 dimineata (liniste, intuneric afara, no cars on the damn boulevard).
And my favorite confession:
When I'm writing or hacking I spend as much time just thinking as I do actually typing. Half the time I'm sitting drinking a cup of tea, or walking around the neighborhood. This is a critical phase-- this is where ideas come from-- and yet I'd feel guilty doing this in most offices, with everyone else looking busy.
Inca o data repet si spun ca am norocul ca lucrez pentru o companie pentru care exista conceptul de "pauza de masa", nu neaparat pentru ca as fi un mare gurmand, ci pentru ca am nevoie de ora aceea pentru a ma desprinde din fata monitorului, asa cum fac si acasa cand ma blochez atunci cand lucrez la unul din proiectele mele, pur si simplu ma arunc pe canapea si ma uit la televizor, moment in care ideile incep sa "curga". De multe ori mi s-a intamplat ca in cele 20 minute dupa ce m-am intors din pauza de masa sa pun mai multe in practica decat in 2-3 ore de lucru normale, pur si simplu pentru ca am idei proaspete in cap.
Mie unul chiar mi s-a parut interesanta sub-sectiunea intitulata Workplaces
The average office is a miserable place to get work done. And a lot of what makes offices bad are the very qualities we associate with professionalism. The sterility of offices is supposed to suggest efficiency. But suggesting efficiency is a different thing from actually being efficient.
si mai la vale un pic...
Things are different in a startup. Often as not a startup begins in an apartment. Instead of matching beige cubicles they have an assortment of furniture they bought used. They work odd hours, wearing the most casual of clothing. They look at whatever they want online without worrying whether it's "work safe." The cheery, bland language of the office is replaced by wicked humor. And you know what? The company at this stage is probably the most productive it's ever going to be.
Damn right:) Deocamdata pot spune ca am norocul sa lucrez la o firma care s-a lansat de curand in Romania si inca suntem la stadiul de apartament (unul foarte fain de altfel, lemn and other stuff), sper ca pe masura ce crestem sa nu se ajunga la dorinta de a ne muta intr-un gigant de "otel si sticla".
Aprope de "orele de program":
That may seem utopian, but it's what we told people who came to work for our company. There were no fixed office hours. I never showed up before 11 in the morning. But we weren't saying this to be benevolent. We were saying: if you work here we expect you to get a lot done. Don't try to fool us just by being here a lot.
, sau nu ma "trezi la 6.30 ca sa incep sa scot cod din mine la 8 dimineata, I'll never be able to do something like this". Sa incepi la 10.30-11 dimineata (ziua!?)mai merge, ma confesez ca unul care nu de putine de ori m-am apucat sa "bag cod" la ora 11 seara si sa ma apuce 3-4 dimineata (liniste, intuneric afara, no cars on the damn boulevard).
And my favorite confession:
When I'm writing or hacking I spend as much time just thinking as I do actually typing. Half the time I'm sitting drinking a cup of tea, or walking around the neighborhood. This is a critical phase-- this is where ideas come from-- and yet I'd feel guilty doing this in most offices, with everyone else looking busy.
Inca o data repet si spun ca am norocul ca lucrez pentru o companie pentru care exista conceptul de "pauza de masa", nu neaparat pentru ca as fi un mare gurmand, ci pentru ca am nevoie de ora aceea pentru a ma desprinde din fata monitorului, asa cum fac si acasa cand ma blochez atunci cand lucrez la unul din proiectele mele, pur si simplu ma arunc pe canapea si ma uit la televizor, moment in care ideile incep sa "curga". De multe ori mi s-a intamplat ca in cele 20 minute dupa ce m-am intors din pauza de masa sa pun mai multe in practica decat in 2-3 ore de lucru normale, pur si simplu pentru ca am idei proaspete in cap.